March 1, 2018

Week 7 Story: A Fire Begins to Grow

It only takes a small spark to start a blazing fire. 

A picturesque woman has experienced another traumatic incident. She is embarrassed and ashamed of what has happened to her. She tried to warn others for help, but no one came to her rescue. She attempts to hide from the world's prying eyes. Beneath the covers and her bed sheets solemnly crying. Suddenly a fire of courage begins to grow inside her heart. 

"No longer will I hope that my husbands will protect me and keep me safe! First, I was wagered and lost to their hateful cousin Duryodhana. Then royal men of noble birth stood by as my clothes were attempted to be torn off my body. All while my husbands' heads were hung down in shame and they did nothing to stop the monstrosity. Yudhistira was born through the god Yama. Arjuna was born through the god Indra. Bhima was born through the god Vayu. Nakula and Sahadeva were born through the god Aswins. All of my husbands possess talents and strengths from their lineage that other warriors will never have yet use none of it to save me. I tried to be a good wife. I went into banishment with them for twelve years. I then became a Sairandhari and worked in Virata's woman's chambers for a year. My husbands were warned about taking care of me when we were in Virata's kingdom but did they? NO. That is why Kichakak assaulted me. He knew that no one would protect me. He probably laughed when the Queen said I had five Gandharvas who would watch over me if he attempted anything. I can longer put my safety in the hands of these men. How can I consider these cowardice men my husbands? They do not protect me, and they do not fulfill their vows that we took when we were married. I must be in charge of my fate now! No man from this day forward will be expected to save me. I will not need to be safeguarded but take matters into my own hands. First, I will begin by taking care of Kichakak. He has been the fuel to feed the fire inside my heart and grow it into a malevolent wrath. But the first spark was created by Duryodhana and he will fill the final heat from me when he perishes. Tonight, will be the last night I cry.


Author’s Notes: In the story of The Mahabharata by R.K. Narayan, Draupadi is the wife of the five Pandavas brothers Yudhistira, Arjuna, Bhima, Nakula, and Sahadeva all born from gods. But after two different incidents where Draupadi is treated maliciously by other men. Her husbands, in my opinion, do little to protect her. All of the Pandavas brothers are born from gods and are assumed to be extraordinary warriors but they fail to be a warrior and protect their wife. This story is an inner monologue that Draupadi has after she is assa
ulted by Kichaka. She has gone through a lot being married to the Pandava brothers and I envisioned her as a strong woman. So, instead of being the proper Indian wife, passive and polite, running to the men for help. Draupadi gets angry and becomes revengeful towards the two men who harmed her. While she is also angry with her husbands for not helping, she has just become cold towards them and no longer relies on them for protection. In the orginal story when Kichakak assaults Draupadi, Bhima does come in after the fact and kill Kichakak to avenge Draupadi. This gave me idea to change the ending to have the reader think that Draupadi was going to be the one to go kill Kichakak and then her next target would be Duryodhana.

Image: Fire. Source: Wikipedia by Awesomoman 


  1. Hello Ashley!
    I love how you gave some perspective as to how Draupadi felt during the torment laid upon her. Especially as there were 5 husbands of hers all in the room, all great warriors known for their strength. I too found it silly that they did nothing to help her, as she was disrobed in front of everyone within the palace.

  2. Hello Ashley!
    I love your opening statement, it really caught my eye. It kind of reminds me of the Hunger Games. Is it just me, or did the font get smaller? Either way, I loved your story! It is a different story technique from what I have seen from the other students. It was really refreshing. I think it was an interesting concept to write it in the perspective of Draupadi. It is unfortunate that she had to go through so much hardship, but it made her into the strong woman you portrayed today! I find it tragic for someone to have 5 husbands, they can't take care of her. I look forward to reading more of your stories!

  3. Hello Ashley
    I like the perspective you took for your story. Telling it from the perspective of Draupadi was a great idea and you did a good job with the inner monologue. I think her perspective in your story makes a lot of sense considering what she had gone through. She should be angry and vengeful. I also like the simplicity of your title and image.
